We offer 30 day refund policy for the course Dividend Method. To initiate a refund please write to support@dividend-method.com with your email you used for the purchase and full name.
No refunds are offered for the Dividend Method Inner Circle membership since each person who purchased the Dividend Method course had free trial of it.
IMPORTANT: The fact that there has been no account created in the members area does not entitle the customer to a refund of the funds after the above mentioned timeframe since it is impossible for us to monitor who has and who has not created an account or refund payments from many months ago. You accept that during the checkout process by accepting the terms and conditions.
Note: The money money back guarantee applies only for people who have gone though the course, asked questions and engaged in our community and still have not been able to find companies to invest in using our methodology. Due to the fact that the product is digital and you have instant access to it we can't offer "no questions asked guarantee" in order to protect ourselves from fraudulent use of our intellectual property. Reasons like "I don't have time now", "it's not for me" etc are not accepted.